Annual Gym/Club Membership Terms
The Gym Owner/Head Instructor stated in the registration form must be the legal entity whose name is recognised as the Head Instructor and representative of the Club. If the Club has a business name or is Pty Ltd, this must the person who is the listed director or owner and/or known publicly as the head instructor of the club. The head instructor MUST also be registered with their relevant State (for applicable states) as the gym head instructor/trainer in order to be the MTA representative for their club/gym. Government legislation for registering as a trainer/second/promoter/official must be followed by MTA member gyms competing in the relevant state.
Please list the physical address of all club locations if multiple clubs are managed. If each gym has a separate head instructor, they must join as their own club entity.
The annual membership fee for MTA is $220.00. You are required to pay this amount on registration. There then is a 30 day cooling off period where the MTA reviews your application and processors it. If your application is re-jected (or incomplete) you will be given a refund. The MTA Executive Council reserves the right to refuse/cancel membership without prejudice. The only choice to pay annually using the Pin Payments system. Please contact if you have any questions doing this or need an alternative.
Upon signing this membership, you declare that you have read, understood and will abide by the rules, regulations, policies and procedures as set by the Muaythai Australia Inc and your state MTA association including Combat Sports Legislation as applicable, and that you recognise the MTA endorses the regulations of WADA, the Australian Sports Commission, IFMA and the WMC.
By signing this agreement you agree that you are aware that you can have your membership suspended immediately, and your status reviewed, pending investigation by a MTA disciplinary hearing, if you breach any of the policies or regulations of the MTA. Membership can be cancelled at any time if you owe the MTA monies for membership, sanctioning or any other purpose.
Head Instructors of Gym/clubs must supply evidence of their Working With Vulnerable Peoples (Blue card) certification, and first aid qualifications, in order for their membership to be valid.
Please also list ALL trainers at the registered club including if they are registered with the state, their role and position in the club.
Member Protection Declaration
As part of your registration you must read the MEMBER PROTECTION DECLARATION, MTA CODE OF CONDUCT and Australian National Anti-Doping Policy | Sport Integrity All members, participants and non participants associated with Muaythai Australia are bound by these rules. Confirm yes by selecting the check box during registration.
Muaythai Australia has a duty of care to all those associated with our organisation and to the individuals and organisations to whom this policy applies. It is a requirement of our National Member Protection Policy that we check the background of each person who works, coaches or has regular unsupervised contact with children and young people under the age of 18 years.